The Struggles and Experiences of Women and Children in the Process of Migration

Watch and Listen! (2 min.engl.)

Fato­u­ma­ta Cham (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): Not ever­y­thing has been shown by the media. We will be sha­ring important infor­ma­ti­on, direct­ly from peo­p­le that have been affec­ted. The expe­ri­en­ces that we have with distability…

Schaut hin und hört zu! (2 min.engl.dt.Ut.)

Fato­u­ma­ta Cham (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): Nicht alles wur­de in den Medi­en gezeigt. Wir wer­den wich­ti­ge Infor­ma­tio­nen bereit­stel­len – direkt von den betrof­fe­nen Men­schen. Die Erfah­run­gen, die wir mit Insta­bi­li­tät haben…

Women and Children in Migration: We are still struggling! (8 min.engl.)

Gift Ter­he­men (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): From Afri­ca to here it’s a long jour­ney. A lot of peo­p­le died on this way. Some made it, we arri­ved here. We are still strugg­ling as if we haven’t arri­ved at all.

Frauen & Kinder der Migration: Wir kämpfen noch immer! (8 min. dt.Ut.)

Gift Ter­he­men (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): Es ist eine lan­ge Rei­se von Afri­ka hier­her. Vie­le Men­schen sind auf die­sem Weg gestor­ben. Eini­ge haben es geschafft, wir sind hier ange­kom­men. Wir sind noch immer am kämp­fen — als ob wir nie ange­kom­men wären.

Podium Discussion: The struggles and experiences of women and children in the process of migration

This Podi­um Dis­cus­sion will fea­ture three women acti­vists who came to know each other in Bre­men as they deci­ded to stand up against mass accom­mo­da­ti­on and iso­la­ti­on in the Lagers/Camps like in Lin­den­stras­se and Alfred Faust Stras­se. They form part of the self-orga­nis­ed refu­gee move­ment Tog­e­ther We Are Bre­men (TWAB). As peo­p­le with exper­ti­se and a voice on this topic, the­se acti­vists will speak about the broad per­spec­ti­ves of women who have had the cou­ra­ge to take the dif­fi­cult road through the various bor­ders in Afri­ca and Euro­pe and ended up in the Lager in Bre­men. They will dis­cuss the dan­ger of being por­tray­ed as vic­tims and speak not only about the men­tal, phy­si­cal and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges of their expe­ri­en­ces but also about their deter­mi­na­ti­on and resi­li­ence as key sur­vi­val tools in Bre­men. The spea­k­ers will address the atten­dant issue of men­tal health among Black refu­gee women and high­light the absur­di­ty of having to wage a cam­paign for their children’s birth cer­ti­fi­ca­te even when their kids were born here. They will also speak on the neces­si­ty of the right to housing, edu­ca­ti­on and health­ca­re. “It has been a long and arduous jour­ney. We have not arri­ved yet even though we are at our desti­na­ti­on“, says the women.

Spea­k­ers: Gift Ter­he­men und Vivi­an Egharev­ba (TWAB)

Mode­ra­tor: Fato­u­ma­ta Cham (TWAB)

The Struggles and Experiences of Women and Children in the Process of Migration (Part 1) 55 min.

The Struggles and Experiences of Women and Children in the Process of Migration (Part 2) 48 min.