The Struggles and Experiences of Women and Children in the Process of Migration

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Watch and Listen! (2 min.engl.)

Fato­u­ma­ta Cham (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): Not ever­y­thing has been shown by the media. We will be sha­ring important infor­ma­ti­on, direct­ly from peo­p­le that have been affec­ted. The expe­ri­en­ces that we have with distability…

Schaut hin und hört zu! (2 min.engl.dt.Ut.)

Fato­u­ma­ta Cham (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): Nicht alles wur­de in den Medi­en gezeigt. Wir wer­den wich­ti­ge Infor­ma­tio­nen bereit­stel­len – direkt von den betrof­fe­nen Men­schen. Die Erfah­run­gen, die wir mit Insta­bi­li­tät haben…

Women and Children in Migration: We are still struggling! (8 min.engl.)

Gift Ter­he­men (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): From Afri­ca to here it’s a long jour­ney. A lot of peo­p­le died on this way. Some made it, we arri­ved here. We are still strugg­ling as if we haven’t arri­ved at all.

Frauen & Kinder der Migration: Wir kämpfen noch immer! (8 min. dt.Ut.)

Gift Ter­he­men (Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men): Es ist eine lan­ge Rei­se von Afri­ka hier­her. Vie­le Men­schen sind auf die­sem Weg gestor­ben. Eini­ge haben es geschafft, wir sind hier ange­kom­men. Wir sind noch immer am kämp­fen — als ob wir nie ange­kom­men wären.

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Podium Discussion: The struggles and experiences of women and children in the process of migration

This Podi­um Dis­cus­sion will fea­ture three women acti­vists who came to know each other in Bre­men as they deci­ded to stand up against mass accom­mo­da­ti­on and iso­la­ti­on in the Lagers/Camps like in Lin­den­stras­se and Alfred Faust Stras­se. They form part of the self-orga­nis­ed refu­gee move­ment Tog­e­ther We Are Bre­men (TWAB). As peo­p­le with exper­ti­se and a voice on this topic, the­se acti­vists will speak about the broad per­spec­ti­ves of women who have had the cou­ra­ge to take the dif­fi­cult road through the various bor­ders in Afri­ca and Euro­pe and ended up in the Lager in Bre­men. They will dis­cuss the dan­ger of being por­tray­ed as vic­tims and speak not only about the men­tal, phy­si­cal and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges of their expe­ri­en­ces but also about their deter­mi­na­ti­on and resi­li­ence as key sur­vi­val tools in Bre­men. The spea­k­ers will address the atten­dant issue of men­tal health among Black refu­gee women and high­light the absur­di­ty of having to wage a cam­paign for their children’s birth cer­ti­fi­ca­te even when their kids were born here. They will also speak on the neces­si­ty of the right to housing, edu­ca­ti­on and health­ca­re. “It has been a long and arduous jour­ney. We have not arri­ved yet even though we are at our desti­na­ti­on“, says the women.

Spea­k­ers: Gift Ter­he­men und Vivi­an Egharev­ba (TWAB)

Mode­ra­tor: Fato­u­ma­ta Cham (TWAB)

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The Struggles and Experiences of Women and Children in the Process of Migration (Part 1) 55 min.

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The Struggles and Experiences of Women and Children in the Process of Migration (Part 2) 48 min.